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7 Tricks for Owning a Dog & Maintaining a Tidy Living Space

Many dog owners can agree that the joy and unconditional love a pet brings into our lives outweigh the occasional mess that may come with it. However, you can still keep a clean and tidy home. With the right tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can maintain a clean living space while enjoying the company of your furry friend. So, here are some smart tricks from the best cleaners in Baltimore.

Groom Your Dog Regularly 

One of the most effective ways to keep your home clean with a dog is to groom your pet regularly. It includes brushing their fur, trimming their nails, and bathing them. You can significantly reduce the fur on your furniture and floors by keeping up with grooming. Plus, regular nail trims can help prevent damage to your floors and furniture from scratching.

Invest in a High-Quality Vacuum

According to seasoned house cleaners, a powerful vacuum cleaner is a must-have for any dog owner. Look for a vacuum specifically designed for pet hair. These models often come with specialized attachments and features that make removing fur, dander, and dirt from your floors, carpets, and furniture easy. Remember to vacuum your home regularly to keep pet hair and allergens at bay.

Use Washable and Protective Coverings

Protect your furniture, carpets, and floors using washable and protective coverings. Use washable slipcovers on your couches and chairs, allowing you to quickly remove and launder them when they become dirty. Place washable rugs and mats in high-traffic areas where your dog likes to spend time. These coverings not only protect your surfaces but also make clean-up a breeze.

Establish a Dog Cleaning Station

Seasoned house cleaners encourage pawrents to set up a designated “dog cleaning station” near the entrance of their home. This space should include a mat to place your dog on, a towel or pet wipes to clean their paws, and any other cleaning supplies you may need. Grooming your dog when they enter your home can prevent dirt and debris from being tracked throughout your living space.

Keep Toys and Accessories Organized

Dogs come with their belongings – toys, leashes, collars, and more. Designate a specific area for your dog’s items to keep your home organized and clutter-free. It can be a shelf, a storage bin, or a corner in a room. Encourage your dog to only play with their toys in designated areas and put everything away after use.

Train Your Dog

Training your dog to follow house rules is essential for maintaining a clean home. Teach your dog commands such as “stay off” to keep them off furniture, “drop it” to prevent them from bringing unwanted items into your home, and “go to your bed” to encourage them to spend time in their designated area. Consistent training and positive reinforcement will help your dog understand the boundaries within your home.

Use Air Purifiers and Odor Eliminators

Pet odors can be a challenge for even the most diligent pet owner. Invest in an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove pet dander and allergens from the air. Additionally, using odor eliminators, such as activated charcoal bags, can help neutralize stubborn pet smells. Be cautious when using air fresheners and scented candles, as some scents can harm your dog.


A clean home and a happy dog are not mutually exclusive. By implementing these smart tips, you can successfully maintain a tidy living space while enjoying the love and companionship of your furry friend. Remember that consistency is key – stick to a regular cleaning routine and keep up with your dog’s grooming and training to ensure a harmonious and spotless home.

Searching for seasoned house cleaners in Baltimore to make your home sparkling clean? Look no further than Laly’s Cleaning Services! Our team of cleaners is dedicated to ensuring that your home is left immaculate and fresh, even if you have pets. Moreover, we use only the best cleaning products and techniques. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and let us show you the difference our experienced cleaners can make in your home!

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